Finding Your Shared Why: Aligning Marital and Business Goals for a Purposeful Life
As Maritalpreneurs, you're not just building a business; you're crafting a life together. One of the greatest insights from Michael E. Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited is the concept of your "Primary Aim"—your ultimate life goal. Gerber insists that before designing your business, you must define this aim. Why? Because your business should be a vehicle to help you achieve the life you truly want, not just another job.

Balancing the Visionary, Planner, and Doer: How Maritalpreneurs Can Thrive Together at Work and Home
Hold a monthly “team meeting” to clarify roles and responsibilities in both business and personal life. Adjust as needed to prevent burnout or imbalance.

Systemize Your Success: How Maritalpreneurs Can Design Repeatable Processes for Business and Home Life
Balancing the demands of running a business and maintaining a thriving marriage is no small feat. Maritalpreneurs often find themselves stretched thin—juggling work tasks, home responsibilities, and the all-important need to nurture their relationship.

The 7R Productivity Ritual: How Maritalpreneurs Can Stay Aligned, Focused, and Productive
This weekly ritual is designed to help you reset, refocus, and realign so you can maximize your time, prioritize your most important goals, and strengthen both your business and your marriage. Let’s dive into the 7 R’s: